Workshops/Group Offerings

"- We are meaning-making beings by our very nature. -

To make meaning intentionally, rather than through reaction, is an act of sacred sovereignty, choice, and true generative imagination."

Mythic Embodiment

- A Journey Into Self Through Shamanic Sound, Storytelling, and Expressive Embodied Movement -

A guided, yet highly personal inward journey in search of hidden wisdom, missing pieces of ourselves, and reclamation of imagination through shamanic sound, actualized though creative mythic storytelling and somatic embodiment. 


Mystic Movement

An enigmatic education and exploration into the hidden and mystical implications of dance and rhythmic movement as a means to deeply connect with oneself, catalyzing a deeper relationship with one's emotions, imagination, spirituality, and to Mystery itself in a meaningful and somatically visceral way. 



Shamanic Relating

A guided shamanic contemplation and introspection into the seeing of the Soul that permeates all of life and how to imbue one's spiritual and daily practice with the invocation of the sacred into all manner of living, personal growth, and healing.




Creative Processing

On the path of inner healing, integration, and wholeness - the process of emotional, spiritual, and psychological processing can only become more highly strengthened and nourished by the sacred gift of our innate creativity. Through creative processing we deepen our relationship with the many aspects of ourselves and develop an attitude of reverence for their on-going expression.