Shamanic Relating / Psychospiritual Guidance

Personalized psycho-spiritual/shamanic counseling


- A little about me and my process -


Through my life experience, intensive training/education, and personal healing journey; I have come to find a deep passion and soul's calling to be of service and work with others by the integration of self-love and inner knowing in and through the realms of: somatic bodywork, inner child/parts work, nervous system regulation + healing, creative expressive processing, Movement as Medicine, and the process of Shamanic Relating + Reverence, as means of catalyzing and reflecting back one's deeply intrinsic ability to heal themselves, ultimately becoming one's own shaman, and inner healer.  


It is my deep conviction that each of us holds the sacred gift and ability to attain self-knowledge and with that, profound healing, inner peace, and self-acceptance.


As someone who has lived a very challenging and difficult life, I have been through the depths of darkness and shadow realms of the soul (See About Me page for more details). I say with both, reverent humility and tried and true experience - that I have found my ability to see in the darkness and unique insight into navigating such realms and darkness, and in turn have found what profound gifts and potential lie in those very realms as well. I say this, not out of exclaiming achievement, but rather so you may have some idea of where I've come from and the path I've walked - as, I believe experience is of utmost importance when it comes to working with people in this capacity and in regards to subjects so tender, vulnerable, and at times even taboo.


It is my heart's work and passion to lend any assistance I may to those kindred travelers finding themselves faced with the daunting and often times terrifying challenge of traversing and attempting to negotiate such difficult terrain and utter confusion.  


Whether looking to deepen your relationship with your inner child (and corresponding parts), and/or are navigating troubling trauma, spiritual crisis, existential confusion, difficulty processing of emotions, or simply looking to excavate the depths of psyche and soul in search of hidden wisdom, I invite you to reach out for your free consultation call to see if working together may be of benefit to you and your unique situation.

Why Shamanism?

Shamanism is a very loaded word these days, with varied descriptions. But what I will speak on at this time is a taste of what shamanism is to me and why I use it.


Simply said, Shamanism is about bringing in elements of the unseen, about bringing in the sacred, about bringing in mystery as a way to invite and call forth healing, expansion, growth, and transformation by means that are beyond our intellectual understanding.


For me, using shamanism is important because of the mystery and conscious connection to that mystery in intentionally inviting in that which is sacred. Mystery is the key word here, because mystery calls in humility and receptivity to that which we respect yet admit we are unable to fully comprehend.


Shamanism is important in this practice also because it asks us to be aware of and have reverence for the soul connection between all things. I believe that all souls that work together agreed to work together. All things are truly working under the surface of our ego based perception to bring about the growth and evolution of consciousness. I agreed to write these words, and you agreed to read them. Our relationships run deeper that we can fathom and we are all profoundly connected on a soul level in ways that we cannot begin to imagine from where we stand now.


For instance - if, in ceremony - I am to use a rattle made with wood and rawhide, adorned with owl feathers – all of those elements agreed to be in ceremony with us at this time. Everything from the owl to the animal that’s skin that is now rawhide, to the tree that supplied the wood for the handle – but it doesn’t end there – it even includes the animals that dies to feed the owl, the plants that gave up their nuts and berries that the animal ate that fed the owl, to the drops of rain and rays of sunlight that nourished the tree that dropped its branch that I then picked up and “decided” to make a rattle out of – all of these beings agreed to allow some ripple affect of their life to join us here in this ceremony today. This is how much power shamanism and the mystery of nature can bring to healing processes and shamanism such as this.


How far do you want to take it? How connected do you know yourself to be? There are never too many reminders to be reverent. Shamanism is just one. But they are everywhere around you. They are you. When we choose to remember, we begin to the that magic and shamanism are ordinary everyday affairs, yet no less powerful for it…more, in fact.