- You Are The Healer That You Seek -

...It Is Time You Remember Who You Are...

- For those souls seeking deep healing, hidden wisdom, and sacred potential -

Step into the depths of yourself and your soul.

You hold the key.

You hold the answers.

I am simply here to help you find them

- Welcome -

Mind/Body/Soul Healing

Psychospiritual Navigation

Step into meeting the many facets of self with deeper meaning and communication.


Meet the pieces of yourself yearning for your attention and validation, embracing your healing journey from an intentional and compassionate place within. Come into conscious connection and communication with your inner child, your inner healer, and generative guide through mythopoetic identity, shamanic relating, and deep inward investigation. 

Bearpaw Medicine Ceremonial Bodywork/Massage

Our body holds both our wounds and the power to heal and profoundly learn from them.


Unearth an ability to create and be held within safe and sacred space holding, through a deepened understanding of your body and its innate intelligence as a catalyst for inner wholeness and conscious healing. 

Trauma Recovery/ Emotional Release/Somatic Integration

Bearing witness of ourselves - in our wholeness - and our willingness to be witnessed by another, allows for a profound and powerful healing and self-acceptance to occur.


Until we face and embrace our woundedness, we are yet to hear and acknowledge the hurt children within us that yearn for our love and validation. 

Meet Bodhi


- A little about me and my process -


As someone who has lived and healed through much deep trauma myself, I am dedicated to walking the path with those on their own healing journey - less as a teacher, and more as a reminder of the healer within, holding up a sacred mirror to reveal inner strength, courage, and love.


Through my life experience, intensive training + education, and personal healing journey; I have come to find a deep passion and soul's calling to be of service and work with others by the integration of self-love and inner knowing in and through the realms of: somatic bodywork, inner child/parts work, nervous system regulation + healing, creative expressive processing, Movement as Medicine, and the process of Shamanic Relating, as means of catalyzing and reflecting back one's deeply intrinsic ability to heal themselves, ultimately becoming one's own shaman, and inner healer.  


It is my deep conviction that each of us holds the sacred gift and ability to attain self-knowledge and with that, profound healing, inner peace, and self-acceptance.


As someone who has lived a very challenging and difficult life, I have been through the depths of darkness and shadow realms of the soul (See About Me page for more details). I say with both, reverent humility and tried and true experience - that I have found my ability to see in the darkness and unique insight into navigating such realms and darkness, and in turn have found what profound gifts and potential lie in those very realms as well. I say this, not out of exclaiming achievement, but rather so you may have some idea of where I've come from and the path I've walked. I believe experience is of utmost importance when it comes to working with people in this capacity and in regards to subjects so tender, vulnerable, and at times even taboo.


It is my heart's work and passion to lend any assistance I may to those kindred travelers finding themselves faced with the challenge of navigating the paths to healing and wholeness.  


Whether looking to deepen your relationship with your inner child (and corresponding parts), and/or are navigating troubling trauma, spiritual crisis, existential confusion, difficulty processing of emotions, or simply looking to excavate the depths of psyche and soul in search of hidden wisdom, I invite you to reach out for your free consultation call to see if working together may be of benefit to you and your unique situation.

Is This Right For You?

Are you on your healing journey?


Are you face-to-face with spiritual crisis, emotional overwhelm, or disturbing traumatic experiences/memories?


Or maybe you are simply looking to unearth hidden potentialities within yourself.


Somehow your soul has guided you here.


Perhaps you know something is just waiting to be uncovered, but you just can’t quite put your finger on what it is. Or perhaps you feel that something is poking at your psyche that is just beyond your grasp, awaiting your attention and understanding.


What if there was a way to establish some connection with this missing piece. What if there was a way to begin to see in a new way, to understand a new language that you previously have been unable to understand.



You already know the way. You are just waiting to remember.

Your soul is speaking to you, whispering to your spirit at all times, but you’ve somehow forgotten how to listen and understand the language it is speaking.


There is a part of you that is connected to something much larger than that we typically see or are aware of. There is a part of you that knows. The same part of you that knows how to breathe and pump blood through your veins knows far more than you are consciously aware of.


And it wants you to remember.


It is this language, this calling, this whispering you are somehow aware of yet not fully conscious of that we are looking to reestablish connection with.

What we ultimately seek in healing, is truth.

Through the use of embracing mystery, trust, intuition, and receptivity, we will embark on the road to establishing a conscious connection with that in us (and beyond us) which has become forgotten in the unconscious and is actively yearning and attempting to become found and seen inside of us.


Much of what we call healing is the saving and rescuing pieces of ourselves that have become buried in the unconscious. There is so much of who we are, of our potential, of our power, of our capacity for greatness that remains within the unconscious recesses of our deep selves.


When we work together, it is our shared intention to retrieve pieces of ourselves from realms unseen that will have us embarking on this sacred journey into what is beyond our perception. We cannot know what we will find, but if we truly desire to be whole – we must venture forth into these realms unseen in search of these missing pieces of ourselves.

Ok. So What?

Exploration is what I offer. And a bearing witness thereof. An exploration into what is possible when we expand our consciousness and allow our beliefs to soften. And a bearing of witness to this sacred process of growth and expansion of consciousness, inspiration, creativity, and capacity to hold compassionate space for ourselves in deep ways – and in doing so, cultivating our capacity to be of service to others in this way as well. I invite us, as a team, to consciously engage with the unseen realms of ourselves, and beyond - in the name of expansion and healing of what is, what has been, and what will be.


Who we are is to be made conscious. All of us. Much of what we are remains hidden in the layers of the unconscious that we are unable and/or unwilling to look at, yet continue to drive us, our reactions, and the way we unintentionally cause pain and harm. These are often spaces in which we are not comfortable with and/or maybe even downright horrified to explore. Yet explore them we must - because not only do they hold the answers to why we unintentionally cause harm, they also hold the keys to our greatest gifts, our deepest purpose, and what we have come to offer this planet in the name of healing and service.

Experience a mysterious journey of healing into the symbolic language of your soul, unearthing hidden wisdom through inspired creativity, deep imagination, somatic insight/intelligence, and shamanic relating to the soul, with the intention of deepening the sacred relationship with soul, self, and experiencing life in mysterious new ways.

“The value of mystery cannot be calculated or defined. It can only be felt and experienced. It is mystery in which the materials of miracles are made of.”